Monday, 29 July 2013

SUB Story Week 5: Dissolution

Last week our monsters got a bit doo-lally in our #substory. For a round up of the week pop on over to our tumblr site, which uses the power of Storify to share tweets without needing twitter. Here's an even shorter summary of what happened this week (July 18 - 24):
  1. Vampire confuses everyone by going off grid while setting up a new laptop - Werewolf and Zombie think she's gone AWOL like You Know Who.
  2. Werewolf admits his responsibility for the art fiasco and makes up with Zombie.
  3. Werewolf gets full moon madness from fleas. In the process, Vampire turns into a bat to get away and is promptly knocked out by Zombie who swats her like a fly.
  4. Werewolf figures out what's happened after full moon, but can't help as panicked Zombie has made her fortress massive. Wolfie is angry again at Zombie for the whole situation.
  5. Werewolf admits to needing Vamps to sort his life out for him - his 2 week deadline for finding You Know Who has expired, but he needs help.
Why can't Werewolf remain friends with Zombie - making up one minute and blaming as soon as something else goes wrong? Have Zombie and Werewolf enjoyed their time away from Vampire (like they actually wanted)? Did Zombie cope when she was left effectively in charge? Werewolf has realised he needs help, but will he survive the treatment to be given by his friends?

Please share the story with others and let us know what you think about the story so far in the comments below.

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