Monday, 22 July 2013

SUB Story Week 4: I can't believe it's not flutter

It's been another tense week for the monsters in our #substory. For a round up of the week pop on over to our tumblr site, which uses the power of Storify to share tweets without needing twitter. Here's an even shorter summary of what happened this week (July 11 - 17):
  1. Not only did Vampire use Werewolf's art money to buy blood, she tries to make amends by trading the blood for an exhibition space at the Tate.
  2. Vampire may be business-savvy, but she's not immune to being conned - Zombie's date, Arowane, takes revenge and we discover the Tate show is not actually going to happen.
  3. Meanwhile, Werewolf is panicking and uses Zombie to make art for him. Surprisingly it doesn't go well and the new exhibition in a Scout Hut completely bombs. Everyone blames Zombie.
  4. Zombie, understandably upset, decides to build a fortress to keep her friends out (and the apocalypse, should there be one of those any time soon).
  5. The search for You Know Who has stalled, but Werewolf's clock is still ticking...
Can our trio ever find a way to stop arguing and blaming each other - will they get to live in harmony (or is that just unrealistic)? Vampire tries to make amends, but Werewolf can't see it - what else is his rage blinding him to? Can Zombie survive on her own, cutting herself off from her friends? With the 2 week counter rapidly coming to an end, will they find You Know Who in time?

Please share the story with others and let us know what you think about the story so far in the comments below.

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