Monday, 3 February 2014

A taste of blood

Drinkable blood (substitute)

Saturday went really well and we had a very interesting couple of hours talking about blood. Claire will write up her notes to share on this so you have a better idea of what went on. However, to give you a sneak preview, here's a couple of shots and Claire's recipe for drinkable blood, used as part of the service:

This is a very loose guide and you may want to alter things depending on taste and preference…

- 2 punnets of summer fruits (raspberries, blackberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants, etc) - frozen are usually slightly cheaper than fresh
- red coloured fruit juice (Claire used cranberry and raspberry)
- small pot of honey (Claire used Acacia honey, a small pot that only contains 2-3 teaspoons of honey, like you might get at a B&B breakfast)

1. Take your thawed or fresh fruit and blitz with a blender adding fruit a little at a time until it looks properly liquified
2. Pour the result through a sieve into a large bowl/jug - this may need a bit of persuading with a spoon, as the liquid will still be very thick. You should just be left with the fruit skin and seeds remaining behind in the sieve
3. Add the fruit juice to thin to a desired consistency
4. Add honey to add some sweetness and lend some blood-like viscosity

That should probably give you around 600-800 ml of 'blood'. Ours was then poured into a conical jug for a chemical-experiment feel and then distilled into test tubes for each of our SUB attendees to carry round with them and use at varying points in the afternoon. You might want to try syrup rather than honey, or different combinations of fruit and different types of fruit juice, but should end up with a slow-pouring liquid of deep red colour. Have fun turning your kitchen into a mad chemistry lab :)

Red ribbons signifying blood pumped around the body from the lungs

Blood oranges

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